CIVICA Research Open Science Discussion Forum – Fall 2022
Open Science Discussion Forum: Randomised controlled trials in schools
The webinar will present the open science best practice from the randomised controlled trial (RCT) conducted by seven doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from the European University Institute and University of Florence in 2021-2022. The RCT involved around 1000 students from different high schools in Italy with the objective to measure the impact of certain creative digital course on students’ interest in STEM and on certain skills including creativity and grit. The webinar will focus first on the process implemented to data protection, including the protocol followed for data gathering and data processing with full respect of GDPR, and it will illustrate the steps needed for an objective and transparent data analysis. Finally, it will showcase how the data will be made available for reproducibility.
November 29
12:00 – 13:00 CET