Multi User License allows you to know the number of licenses of the e-books acquired by the Library
MULTIUSER ACCESSMulti-user perpetual license (MUPO)
For three users to access simultaneously (or the number indicated): three-user perpetual license
For one user to access: Single-user-only perpetual license (SUPO)
This information can be found in the e-book bibliographical record.
IE Universitary Library acquisition policy prioritizes acquiring the e-books on a multiuser access format (MUPO), as long as the provider offers this possibility.
Please use responsibly the ebook lending service. You will find flexible options for downloading content (some ebooks are not available for download). You can choose the loan length. Be aware that other users may also need it.
The multiple and simultaneous access allows professors and students to consult, highlight, print, add notes, etc. quickly and simultaneously while in the classrooms themselves, integrating the e-book as a teaching material.