IE repository is an open access platform that collects, manages, and preserves the academic and research output of our university and our users (researchers, professors and staff). This Repository aims to enhance the visibility and impact of our research community while fulfilling open access mandates from funding agencies and institutional policies.
Open Access isessential for enhancingvisibility and impact in yourfields and is a requirement by the Spanish law and the most of research funding organisations. Thisapproachnotonlypromotestransparencybutalsoaccelerates the dissemination of knowledge, allowingresearcherstocontribute more effectivelyto global challenges. Embracing Open Sciencealignswith the university’scommitmenttoinnovation and excellence, empoweringresearcherstomake a meaningfuldifference in both academia and society.
How to publish your scientific work
This service is designed for staff, doctoral candidates, researchers, and faculty members.
The first step to upload any documents to our Open Access IE Repository you need to have an activated account. You can either register in the repository with your IE credentials or log in through the university’s identification portal. Please note that before you can upload any documents to the repository, your user account must be approved.
Fill out the form & select Appropriate Licenses
To deposit your scholarly outputs (articles, book chapters, conference presentations, teaching materials, working papers, reports, etc.), please fill out the form with all the necessary information, including the license.
Be aware that you will need to be compliant with the publishers’ requirements. For more information about journal articles, check the Sherpa Romeo website or contact the library at
Approval & Publication in the IE Repository
Once you upload your publications, a librarian will review it to ensure everything is accurate and will edit metadata in the record as deemed necessary, always respecting the originality of the document. You will receive an email notification once the document is published on the repository.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the process, metadata, copyright rights, or any other matters, please feel free to reach out to us at We’re here to help!