
Search for Buiding Projects with Detail Inspiration

IEU Library is delighted to announce that we have acquired the Detail Inspiration database. This new addition is set to enhance our library’s collection significantly, mostly in the mark of our Architecture collection. By adding Detail Inspiration to our digital databases, the library aims to support the creative needs of our students and foster an environment of continuous learning and inspiration.

The DETAIL Inspiration reference and image database includes documentation of around 4,000 building projects over the 36 years of DETAIL. Professional search and filter functions using keywords such as building type, material, year of construction, or DETAIL magazine theme allow users to quickly research concrete examples of creative building solutions according to their individual needs.

Project descriptions can be downloaded along with reference photos, drawings, and technical data. Full-scale construction drawings make it easy to adopt and apply existing building solutions to one’s designs. DETAIL Inspiration, as a source of inspiration and research, thus becomes a great aid for architectural design work, also within the framework of architectural education.

The Detail Inspiration database is available for students, faculty, and staff from the IE Community and you can access it through our Catalog, or the Top Links section. Moreover, in Training Portal you can find tutorials about how to use it.

We encourage everyone to explore this new resource and discover all the information it has to offer.