The Max von Buch visited our Library to get to know first hand our good practices in terms of user services, reference help, licensed and open access resource and more. Guillermo & Michele de la Dehesa Library is a pioneer in putting new technologies to use, such as the DIY Library App, Alexa library assistant, immersive reality, Worlcat worlwide catalog, robots…
Exchanging our knowledge with other libraries to create better services for our users is one of our main goals. In fact, Guillermo & Michele de la Dehesa Library is open to collaboration with other libraries with the specific aim to prepare our services for future ways of learning, just like Max Von Buch decided to do in his time.
Both libraries are member of Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuela de Administración CLADEA (The Latin American Council CLADEA Management School), of the largest networks of business schools worldwide. This international organization serves as a network for cooperation and mutual assistance and has links with leading academic institutions throughout the world. CLADEA includes more than 140 affiliated institutions of higher education in Latin America, North America, Europe, and Oceania, dedicated to teaching and research in public and private management