How to find a body of information on current business trends?
Once located with ABI/INFORM Global, assess today’s business trends, as well as the competitiveness panorama in the market.
With EBSCO, under the Business Source Ultimate tab, you can acquire information on current business trends in the spotlight, and also on potential changes and developments in business trends worldwide.
Elsevier Science Direct offers open access to content collected from academic and professional journals in the field of business disciplines and entrepreneurship-oriented segments by performing searches using keywords and authors.
Emerald database conducts analyses in business, management, and strategy and accounting, finance and economics, and every topic relating to business trends published in magazines and books.
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What sort of legal information should be kept in mind to set up a company?
The following resources offer legal information regarding starting up a company:
QMemento Social, provides access to all the information on labor contracts, dismissals, compensation, labor inspection, labor procedure, prevention of occupational risks, social, salary, and payroll, and social security.
With the v/Lex resource, you can search for legal and relevant national and international information with a single search engine, or from the selection of information that has been suggested for you, to find the most recent and notable knowledge. It also offers full legal research services on legislation, jurisprudence, newspapers, a library of legal books and journals, and even full papers and contract models.
Added value:
What market studies should be conducted before starting up a business venture?
By means of EBSCO, the More > Company Profiles > MarketLine and Medtrack Company Profiles tab, find comparatives of companies, current trends in business generating debate, future developments, and changes in business worldwide.
Both Sabi and Orbis, allow within Group Analysis option, the possibility of comparison between companies or between groups of companies. Orbis, in addition, shows descriptive information and financial data of companies, market studies, and market qualifications.
Just – Series Market Research Reports. The Advanced Search option performs market research reports organized by a group or company, location, industry, or title. It also creates a Thesaurus if it is requested.
Here is what makes us different!
Are there incubators-accelerators for start-ups that offer subsidized financing?
Area 31. It is the business incubator, created by IE Business School, aimed to capture projects generated by IE students (IE Venture Lab Accelerator) and the leading projects on the national scope. Stands out by offering tutorials with investors -pitching Slam of free access with investors & Venture Networks-. A physical place in which entrepreneurs and innovators can meet and develop ideas.
IE Rockets is the platform to develop, through a selection process, a project-in-progress or one still in-mind, inside a learning technology-based ecosystem.
Spectrum groups together the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) incubators.
Harvard Innovation Lab (i-lab) is a dedicated space for cooperation and education, designed to foster entrepreneurship and innovation.
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Which is the main task to be faced by an entrepreneur in order to create a company that has the capability of doing business?
Harvard Business Review contains information on entrepreneurship research in business grouped by organizational culture, recent research on companies, leadership, strategy, innovation, productivity, marketing, and people management thus facilitating the steps to be followed towards the creation of a company.
At Elsevier Science Direct, get open access to content collected from academic and professional journals in the field of business disciplines and entrepreneurship-oriented segments by launching searches using Keywords and author.
WRDS allows for obtaining data by vendors, concepts, companies/variables, as well as saving those queries to perform a further detailed analysis of the venture, as well as conducts analysis by topic, presenting them graphically for researchers in order to take advantage of different data sources and researching areas.
v/Lex is provided with legal information, legislation, administrative doctrine, jurisprudence, and official bulletins to find all the legal information necessary to create a company. Use v/Lex Global to expand international legal information.
Finally check on a regular basis EDHEC, University of Vermont, Harvard Business Review, Loyola University of Chicago to be informed on the latest news of entrepreneurial issues.
What aspects related to business management should be taken into account while creating a company? And, which commercial strategies undertake?
Find at EBSCO’s Business Source Complete tab, detailed information on the different trade disciplines.
CRSP by WRDS (Wharton) allows obtaining data by companies, concepts, and vendors and so to save those queries in order to perform detailed analyses on a targeted enterprise. This analysis can be conducted by subject and to be graphically presented, furthermore allowing researchers to take advantage of different data sources and research areas.
Another resource for obtaining this very same information is I/B/E/S from Thomson Reuters.
Other resourceful links to reinvent yourself:
Instituto de la Empresa Familiar
Which resources provide information on how to boost business?
Harvard Business Review accommodates information on entrepreneurship research, business, organizational culture, recent researches of companies, leadership, strategy, innovation, productivity, marketing, and people management, thereby facilitating the task of creating companies.
The Economist Intelligent Unit EIU ViewsWire resource finds market research reports by organization or company, location, industry, and title or creates a Thesaurus. You can browse the reports of the same subject, location, and date.
The Econlit database provides advanced searches so as to obtain reports on how to boost business, by date of publication, type of source, language, and the numeric order in which are to be retrieved.
Take the future into your own hands:
Journal of Family Business Strategy
What are the profit and loss account specifics for a certain segment strategic market?
Eikon composes studies by market segments, graphs and technical analysis, data flow, and third-party applications. If the location of the country is indicated, makes reports on different applications of negotiation strategies, portfolio intelligence management, and seasonal patterns, in order to help in making decisions on different segments of the market. It also runs simulations for financial and risk analysis.
In WRDS (Wharton), data are shown ordered by suppliers, concepts, and companies. In addition, it does allow saving the queries and performing a detailed analysis of entrepreneurship by theme, with aided graphic representations. For these and other reasons, researchers can take advantage of different data sources and research areas.
Both Sabi and Orbis resources, do offer inside Group analysis, the possibility for comparing in between companies or between groups of companies. In addition, Orbis allows for accessing descriptive information and financial data of companies, market studies, and qualifications.
What resources can be consulted to access up-to-date information on the world of business and the latest acquisitions of companies?
Harvard Business Review contains information on research in entrepreneurship, business, organizational culture, recent researches of companies, leadership, strategy, innovation, productivity, marketing and people management, easing, therefore, the task of creating companies.
Business Research Library has its Advanced Search available to find the most recent financial and business information for those researchers interested in the business world.
From amongst the lists of journals and books, that Emerald resource contains, use the option Business, Management, and Strategy, within the Accounting, Finance and Economics section, in order to find related topics about academic entrepreneurship.
Within the resource FirstHand, search inside the Companies section to find general information on a particular company, its competitors, and news related.
In open the Companies tab and find information about entrepreneurship while in the Markets you get information about capital markets and basic products.
WRDS (Wharton) resource, allows for obtaining data from companies, saving those queries in order to perform a further detailed analysis of the business world and its acquisitions. It also performs analysis by topic, presenting them graphically so that researchers can take advantage of different data sources and research areas.
How to find information to establish a company in a chosen country?
From Westlaw International resource, accede to international materials from Australia, Canada, European Union, Hong Kong, Korea, United Kingdom and other international jurisdictions by Jurisdictions, or access cases, administrative materials, legislation by Content Types, treaties, journals, legal memoranda, legal documents, jury verdicts, and forms.
More information
Mckinsey, Bain, The Boston Consulting Group, FT. com.
Oxford Analytica Daily Brief Service