The loan is personal and non-transferable.
Most of the IE University Library’s holdings are electronic. You can check them online in our catalog.
You have to self-borrow the materials in the library with DiY IEU Library APP on your own smartphone.
If you have any problem during self-borrowing, contact a librarian.
Special conditions are announced before each holiday period.
Some materials are excluded from the loan service, such as any in the Reference and Library-use only sections, printed magazines, or items indicated as such.
Items from the PhD shelf location can be taken out on loan only by PhD and DBA students, faculty, and staff.
If there is any inappropriate behavior in the library or with its materials, the Library reserves the right to block any user account, and restrict access to all the services and products the library offers. The user will be always notified in advance.
The loan is personal and non-transferable.
Most of the IE University Library’s holdings are electronic. You can check them online in our catalog.
You have to self-borrow the materials in the library with DiY IEU Library APP on your own smartphone.
If you have any problem during while self-borrowing, contact a librarian.
Special conditions are announced before each holiday period.
Some materials are excluded from the loan service, such as any in the reference and Library-use only sections, printed magazines, or items indicated as such.
Items from the PhD shelf location can be taken out on loan only by PhD and DBA students, faculty, and staff.
Archive materials are available, but do not have free access. However, these materials are available to you and can be requested from the library at any time, once you make a hold. If the archive item is at your library’s campus, it will be available within three days.
If there is any inappropriate behavior in the library or with its materials, IE Library reserves the right to block any user account, and restrict access to all the services and products the library offers. The user will be always notified in advance.
The User Portal is your own virtual library space. As an IE Community member, you can access it with your IE credentials (e-mail and password).
You can check your on-loan items and return dates; renew your loans and check how many renewals you have left; place and cancel holds; check for outstanding fines; check and receive your interlibrary loan requests of electronic resources; search the IE Library catalog and WorldCat—the world’s largest library catalog.
The loan is personal and non-transferable.
Most of the Library’s holdings are electronic and can be checked in our catalog.
You have to self-borrow the materials in the library with DiY IEU Library APP. If you experience any difficulties during self-borrowing, contact a librarian.
Special conditions are announced prior to each holiday period.
Some materials are excluded from the loan service, such as Library-use only sections, printed magazines or items indicated as such. Only PhD and DBA students, faculty, and staff are permitted to check out items from the PhD shelf area.
Our games collection is available exclusively for borrowing and returning at its original branch.
IEU Library has the right to block any user account and restrict access to any services and goods the library provides if there is any inappropriate behavior in the library or with its materials. The user will be always notified in advance.
Users can ask the Library to reserve materials whether they are available or out on loan through the “User Portal” on the library webpage or the DiY IEU Library APP. Search for the material you want with our catalog and click the “Place hold” button.
When the material is available to pick up in the location selected, you will receive an e-mail notification. The material will be on hold for two working days after the notification (weekend days and holidays are not counted). If, after that time, the material has not been picked up, it will go to the next user in the queue or be returned to the shelves.
You have to self-borrow the materials with DiY IEU Library APP. If you experience any difficulties during self-borrowing, contact a librarian.
The User Portal is your own virtual library space. As an IE Community member, you can access it with your IE credentials (e-mail and password).
You can check your on-loan items and return dates; renew your loans and check how many renewals you have left; place and cancel holds; check for outstanding fines; check and receive your interlibrary loan requests of electronic resources; search the IE University Library catalog and WorldCat—the world’s largest library catalog.
María de Molina, 31: By the entrance of the building
1st floor: University’s entrance near the Cafeteria.
2nd floor: By the Library entrance.
6th floor: library returns box