We aim to share guidelines for preparing and presenting bibliographical references and citations. These guidelines are recommended for research work, research papers, journal articles and classwork.
Do not repeat any resource without referencing its author.
Do not copy them unless you cite where you got them from.
Do not paraphrase a text without citing its sources.
Do not use content from a job or post without citing it.
Do not buy or present work that is not yours as if it were.
EndNote Online Classic is a cloud-based reference management tool designed to help users collect, organize, and manage bibliographic references and research materials. It also allows you to collect references from Worldcat.
Bibliographic manager that is used to manage online bibliographies used in academic works (articles, research papers, and others) and collaborate with other researchers. Web access, Download Mendeley Desktop, and Tutorials.
Bibliographical manager that is used to manage online bibliographies used in academic works (articles, research papers, and others) and collaborate with other researchers. Download it as a Firefox extension. Web access, Download Zotero Desktop, Zotero Bib, and Tutorials.