

How can information on a specific company be found?

You may access either contact, financial or descriptive information on commercialized products, both general and financial information, product, and the industry to which they belong through the Business Source Complete database, on EBSCO‘s Company Information menu. Access reports, within menu More, or click on MarketLine and Medtrack Company Profiles from European, Asian, and US companies. Vertical key markets are also available.

Analyse companies and their strengths as well as those of their competitors and affiliates with SWOT Analyses. Elaborate your own reports with Orbis, for international companies, and Sabi for Spanish and Portuguese.

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How can information about a company where you are going to attend a job interview be located?

Within the FirstHand resource, inside Research Companies option general information about the company and its competitors is available.

ABI/INFORM Global eases market studies reports in Just-Series Market Research Reports by Subject (in areas of competence, corporate history, corporate profiles, financial performance, industry conditions, international markets, product development, SWOT analysis), by Industry (aluminum, automobile, textile, chemical, plastics, etc.) or by Title.

Refer to the tutorial of ABI/INFORM.

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How can case studies on companies and related topics be consulted?

Check Business Source Complete > Publications > Subject > Case studies to consult case studies in alphabetical order, by topic and description, or by matching words, within the EBSCO resource.

Harvard Business Review provides enterprise information ordered by Source Types, Subject: Thesaurus Term, Subject, Company, Language, and NAICS/ Industry.


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Can a company be located by its size and/or current status?

Consult Sabi to place Spanish and Portuguese companies. Search and filter by the number of employees, activity, and status size and where it is specified in the company is active, if in the suspension of payment or insolvency proceedings. For inactive companies, the detailed status is bankruptcy, liquidation, dissolution (by merger, spin-off, or acquisition). Also in the same resource Peer analysis, does Compare groups of companies or industry research.

Inside the resource Orbis, quantitative information of international companies can be located by Status or Employees.

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What parameters can be used to look for companies?

Site international companies in Orbis and perform searches for the variables Company, Identifiers, Location, Activities and industry, Financials, Directors, Ownership, Stock, and Earnings estimates, M&A, Credit default swaps, Recent updates and Notes, and custom data, it also creates in Favourites a relationship with the companies of your interest.

Use Sabi in the case of Spanish and Portuguese companies.

Inside Factiva, find companies around the world searching by Source, Author, Company, Expert Search, Topic, Industry, Region, and Language.

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What sort of information about companies can you enquire about?

You can find in Orbis, data on international companies by size, sector, number of employees and shareholders, description activity, balance sheet with assets, liabilities and equity, profit and loss account, ratios, auditors, shareholders, etc.

Sabi database for Spanish and Portuguese companies with contact information, legal aspects, and type of accounts.

Inside Factiva by means of advanced search in Company (name of the company, symbol, DUNS or registration identifier) or in Industry by sector profiles, the relevant data of a certain sector. Quotes (stocks, funds/ investment funds, currencies, and common market indexes). Market Data Charts with time intervals, averages, and comparative indexes.

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Are there true reports that analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of companies?

Indeed. Through the use of SWOT Analyses, be aware of the weaknesses and strengths of the company, as well as competitors and subsidiaries. Find out academic publications, books /monographs, country reports, industry profiles, market research reports, SWOT analysis, commercial publications, and working documents.

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How can data from commercial companies be obtained?

Via the  (WRDS) Wharton Research Data Services website, once previously registered with an IE institutional working mail in order to create an account to be able to access any of the products offered through this platform. Consult the tutorial.

Data from commercial companies can be obtained using Compustat with monthly, quarterly updates and other parameters on North AmericaGlobalBankHistorical SegmentsExecutive CompensationNorth America-Annual updates, and Marginal Tax Rates.


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How can I find companies by sector or country?

Get in Sabi and carry out Industry research using Company name, Industry, and Geographical scope parameters.

Inside Orbis database, locate companies by Sector and by Country.

Factiva database shows how to find out the profiles of companies around the world by Source, Author, Company, Expert Search, Topic, Industry, Region, and Language.