IE Library brings you the best-selling books of this year ranked by the most prestigious international journals The…
Sustainable access to premium online press. Tap me and discover the best online content. Care about the environment…
IE Library has participated in the inauguration of the ‘Purple Corner’ in San Cristóbal de Segovia, a pioneering…
The institution’s library offers educational tools based on gaming, such as Classcraft or Seppo, an example of Liquid…
IE Library has been awarded by the ALA (American Library Association) international program 2020 ‘Best Practices from World…
Are you a professor planning to teach a class remotely? Or a student participating in an online class?…
Study locations, as an extension of the library, with 68 individual cubicles on the 2nd floor of Maria…
IE Library celebrates the International Women’s Week with the exhibition I FEMME. IE Library celebrates the International Women’s…
A group of high school students visited IE Library in Segovia, a department directed by women who are…
A new section is available in IE Library with board games for loan. Apart from using them to…