
The Open Science Journey: Experiences from researchers in Business and Law

The Open Science Journey: Experiences from researchers in Business and Law


IE University Library organizes, together with the INAECU, the following event on Open Science, with a particular focus on the fields in Business and Law.

This event aims to explore the concept of Open Science and its relevance in research. Presentations will cover key topics such as what are open science and open access, open and FAIR data, and the role of intellectual property in an open environment. Experts from the fields of business, law, and intellectual property will share their experiences, and attendees will gain insight into how open science principles are transforming research practices, enhancing accessibility, and fostering innovation across various disciplines.

The event is addressed to researchers, librarians and anyone interested on Open Science.



11.00 AM
Welcome words
Marco Giarratana, Vice-Rector of Research, IE University / Elías Sanz, Subdirector INAECU, Library and Information Science Department, UC3M

11.10 AM
Embracing Open Science: Meeting requirements and unlocking benefits ”
Alicia Fátima Gómez, IEU Library, IE University

11.55 AM
Open Science in the social sciences and law: opportunities, advantages and good practices ”
Manuel Bermejo Castrillo, Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department, UC3M

12.40 PM
Open access: what do Spanish academics think and do?
Eva María de la Torre, Business and Public Finance Department, UAM

01.15 PM
Protecting knowledge through openness: Open Science and intellectual property
Javier de la Cueva, Independent Lawyer. IE Business School, IE University


October, 30th, 11.00 am – 02:00 pm


IE University

IE Tower. Paseo de la Castellana, 259E, Madrid

Classroom T-14.02

Find here how to reach the classroom.


Please, fill out the following form to register.

ON-CAMPUS: Please, register before October, 28th.

      •  Food will be provided at T-10 GARDEN. 
      • NOTE: Please specify if you have any dietary restrictions at

    ONLINE: Please, register before October, 28th.

    Maximum on-campus capacity of 120 people.

    IMPORTANT: Non-IEU members, please sign up as “First Time User”.

    For any help, contact us at